Have Questions?
We are here to help answer your questions. Scroll down to learn more. If you still have questions, email our Admissions Coordinator at deniese.geery@waxahachieprep.org.
What age can my child begin attending WPA?
Students applying for kindergarten must be 5 years old on or before September 1st of the incoming school year.
My child comes from a homeschool setting. Is a Teacher Recommendation letter still required?
No. In cases where students are coming to WPA from a homeschool environment, or if you are applying for Kindergarten, a Teacher Recommendation is not required. However, if your student has received outside teaching, you can submit a form for reference purposes.
What days of the week do different grades attend and how long is the school day?
Secondary students attend classes on campus Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 8:00am - 3:30pm and Elementary students attend classes on campus Tuesday & Thursday from 8:25am - 3:15pm. Some clubs, sports, and extracurricular activities fall outside of these hours.
How many hours per day does a student spend on school work on the “Home Campus Days”?
The amount of time spent will fluctuate according to the student and their learning style; however, the rule of thumb is that for every hour of classroom teaching there is an hour of home assignment given.
I never taught professionally or had any teacher training. How do I know what to teach my child on the days he/she is at home?
Our instructors provide detailed direction to parents through weekly assignments provided by RenWeb.com, our school management site. WPA parents are expected to oversee their children's education and academic progress, but the most important instruction parents can give their children is imparting their values and faith.
Does the family pastoral reference need to be filled out by our lead pastor?
We go to a large church and our pastor doesn’t know us well.
No. Any church leader that has spiritual oversight for your family (such as an elder, small group leader, etc.) can complete this reference.
We aren’t Christians but don’t have issue with the Christian teachings at your school. Can we still be considered for admission?
We ask that at least one parent adhere to WPA’s Statement of Faith which can be found in our Parent/Student Handbook. We are an intentional Christian community and require this of our faculty and staff.
Is WPA affiliated with a particular church or denomination?
Waxahachie Preparatory Academy is a non-profit organization completely independent from a particular church or denominational affiliation.
Is it possible to enroll in WPA mid-year?
Yes. Families can attend an Information Meeting in the fall in order to seek admission for term 2 of the current school year.
Do students wear uniforms at WPA?
Yes. The dress code is intended to reflect the school’s Statement of Faith and honor God and moral character. Uniforms must be purchased from Land’s End Uniforms or at the used uniform sales held on campus at quarterly WFA Meetings. Only the styles listed at Land’s End under WPA’s name are acceptable.
My child is entering WPA from a public/private/homeschool background. How will he/she transition to the collegiate-style hybrid structure?
We have new students every year. Most of our incoming students have not come from a collegiate-style hybrid school. New Parent Orientation Day, which takes place the week before school starts, is vital to equip you for the start of the new school year. In addition, new families are matched with an experienced “parent coach” who is available to answer questions and help you become acclimated to Waxahachie Preparatory Academy. Our families are friendly and happy to answer any questions you may have. After all, we were all new families at one point!
What type of testing is used in the admissions process?
Students applying for grades K5-2nd are testing using an in-house assessment that usually takes 20-30 minutes.
Students testing for 3rd - 6th grade are testing using Terra Nova standardized testing and are required to write a grade level essay using writing prompts and topics provided my the teacher who administers the test.
Students testing for a secondary grade (7th - 12th) are tested using a portion of the Terra Nova test. Secondary students are also required to write a grade level appropriate essay and are given a math test over the last semester of math they most recently completed.
Do we offer Financial Aid? Yes, we do offer financial aid. A certain amount of money is allocated for financial aid each year. Financial aid is distributed on a first-come-first-served basis. How do I apply? Families can apply for financial aid once they have submitted their application. You can request instructions to apply for financial aid through the admissions office or accounting office. Will I qualify? We use a third-party company that analyzes a family's financial documents and assists in determining what financial aid amount, if any, will be awarded. The majority of our families who apply for financial aid are awarded some financial aid discount. Do I need to reapply each year? Yes, because a family's financial situation can change from year to year, it is required that families apply each year.